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God of War: Ragnarok is the fifth installment of the epic saga that follows the story of Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta. This mighty warrior has faced colossal enemies and claimed revenge on the Greek gods in the past. After that, he moved to a new land in the north to see his child grow in peace, but conflict seems to ever accompany him in his journey, and he ended having to fight for his survival and his family. Once more, Kratos became victorious and defeated all his enemies, but a new threat is coming, and this time all his might may not be enough to stop the Ragnarok.
God of War Ragnarök
God of War: Ragnarok is the fifth installment of the epic saga that follows the story of Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta. This mighty warrior has faced colossal enemies and claimed revenge on the Greek gods in the past. After that, he moved to a new land in the north to see his child grow in peace, but conflict seems to ever accompany him in his journey, and he ended having to fight for his survival and his family. Once more, Kratos became victorious and defeated all his enemies, but a new threat is coming, and this time all his might may not be enough to stop the Ragnarok.
(*) The best price is currently £24.94. We discovered this product available from 27 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Sony PSN, Steam & Epic Games on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & PS4. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 94 digital offers. and 8 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 1 comments already shared.
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