Buy Baldur's Gate III at the Best Price

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    Explore the fantasy world of Forgotten Realms once more in the third installment of the cult RPG series. The city of Baldur's Gate is under threat once more and you will play the main role in an epic story again. Gather your companions and experience an adventure like no other in a Dungeons & Dragons inspired universe.

    In Baldur's Gate III you will start your adventure infected with a Mind Flayer parasite that is slowly turning you into one of its species. But as the transformation process advances your power grows too. The use you give to that power while you progress through the story only depends on you.

    You can create your own charater to journey through Baldur's Gate III. As you explore the ancient city, you and your companions will encounter a variety of creatures, both friendly and hostile. You will have to make difficult decisions throughout your adventure as you face off against powerful enemies and uncover secrets about the city's past.

    The game features a unique turn-based combat system that allows players to strategically plan out their moves before engaging in battle. In addition to this, players can also customize their character with various abilities and spells from the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

    Baldur's Gate III has all the features needed to offer you the best RPG experience. Based on the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons ruleset, it gives you unprecedented freedom and hundreds of options in turn-based combats against the most dangerous enemies and allows you for all kinds of interactions in your dialogs with NPCs. The game also features a cooperative multiplayer mode where players can join forces with up to three other players to tackle challenging dungeons and bosses together. With its deep narrative and engaging gameplay, Baldur's Gate III is an unforgettable adventure for all fans of Dungeons & Dragons.

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    Best deals for Baldur's Gate 3

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    Use your PS5 code on the Playstation Network.

    Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

    CD key to use on the GOG GALAXY client to download your game.

    • Bard Song Pack,
    • Exclusive Dice Skin,
    • Paintings from Rivellon,
    • Adventurer's Pouch,
    • Digital Soundtrack,
    • Digital Artbook,
    • Digital Character Sheets.
    • Item Pack From The World Of Divinity: Original Sin:
      • Mask of the Shapeshifter,
      • Cape of the Red Prince,
      • Lute of the Merryweather Bard,
      • Needle of the Outlaw Rogue,
      • Bicorne of the Sea Beast.

    (*) The best price is currently £13.39. We discovered this product available from 11 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Steam, Xbox Live, Sony PSN & GOG Galaxy on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 37 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 88 comments already shared.

    Comments on Baldur's Gate III

    Jul 18, 2023, 00:34 on
    Un plauso enorme ai ragazzi di questo studio che hanno tradotto più di 2 milioni di parole in 13 lingue, compreso l'italiano. Molto curioso di provare la modalità estrema, curata appositamente per i giocatori di D&D. Hype a garganella!!!!
    Huge kudos to the guys at this studio who translated more than 2 million words into 13 languages, including Italian. Very curious to try the extreme mode, specially curated for D&D players. Hype galore!!!!
    Jul 17, 2023, 15:50 on
    I've been a huge Larian Studios fan for years and would put this new iteration of BG in my steam library right now. Unfortunately I'm forced to upgrade my pc, now obsolete. I hope it will be made available soon on cloud services like GFN or Luna, or it will be a long time before I can play it
    I've been a huge Larian Studios fan for years and would put this new iteration of BG in my steam library right now. Unfortunately I'm forced to upgrade my pc, now obsolete. I hope it will be made available soon on cloud services like GFN or Luna, or it will be a long time before I can play it
    Jul 17, 2023, 15:11 on
    Ho recuperato il secondo capitolo qualche tempo fa spinto da un amico e non era male, anche se troppo caotico e dalla curva d'apprendimento un po' alta (troppe cose da leggere, nomi, storie, personaggi... da neofita è un casino.
    I recovered the second chapter some time ago pushed by a friend and it wasn't bad, although too chaotic and a bit of a high learning curve (too many things to read, names, stories, characters--as a neophyte it's a mess.
    Jul 16, 2023, 20:40 on
    J'ai connue ce style de jeu grâce a pathfinder: kingmaker et j'ai vraiment adoré, je l'ai fini puis je chercher un jeu qui y ressembler et la je trouve la pépite qu'est la série Baldur Gate qui a l'air incroyable de par son histoire, son écriture, et ses histoires, cela fait 2 ans que j'attend leur nouveau jeu et j'ai tellement hâte, vite le 3 août pour y mettre la mains dessus.
    I got to know this style of game thanks to pathfinder: kingmaker and I really loved it, I finished it then I was looking for a game similar to it and there I found the nugget that is the Baldur Gate series which looks incredible because of its history, its writing, and its stories, I've been waiting 2 years for their new game and I can't wait, soon August 3rd to get my hands on it.
    Jul 16, 2023, 18:10 on
    Jeu extraordinaire, je dirais même, époustouflant !!! J'en suis resté bouche bée devant mon ordinateur ! impatient de sa sortie !!! Jeu assez étoffer , graphiquement propre , je le conseil
    Extraordinary game, I'd go so far as to say breathtaking! I couldn't wait for it to come out! I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to play it !
    Jul 16, 2023, 18:09 on
    Baldur's gate a su au fil du temps s'imposer comme l'un des meilleurs rpg de sa génération espérons que ce troisième opus soit un digne successeur de ses grands frères
    Over the years, Baldur's Gate has established itself as one of the best rpg's of its generation. Let's hope that this third opus is a worthy successor to its big brothers.
    Jul 16, 2023, 08:32 on
    Le papa des RPG et la grosse sortie de cet été. D'après les retours qu'on peu voir sur le net sur l'early access le jeu promet d'être bon, très bon même.
    The daddy of RPGs and this summer's big release. From the early access feedback we've seen on the net, the game promises to be good, very good indeed.
    Jul 15, 2023, 22:42 on
    Je n'ai pas vraiment joué à ce genre de jeu mais ce BG3 me tente énormément après avoir vu quelques info' sur le contenu du jeu qui m'aguiche plutôt bien ! Hâte de voir ce que ça donnera
    I haven't really played this kind of game, but BG3 is really tempting me after seeing some info on the game's content, which is pretty enticing! Can't wait to see how it turns out
    Jul 15, 2023, 21:08 on
    Basato sul set di regole di Dungeons & Dragons della 5a edizione, vi offre una libertà senza precedenti e centinaia di opzioni nei combattimenti contro i nemici più pericolosi e vi permette ogni tipo di interazione nei dialoghi con i PNG.
    Based on the 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons rule set, it gives you unprecedented freedom and hundreds of options in combat against the most dangerous enemies and allows you all kinds of interaction in dialogues with NPCs.
    Jul 15, 2023, 21:01 on
    In Baldur's Gate III inizierete la vostra avventura infettati da un parassita Mind Flayer che vi sta lentamente trasformando in una delle sue specie.
    In Baldur's Gate III you will begin your adventure infected by a Mind Flayer parasite that is slowly turning you into one of its species.
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Baldurs Gate 3
    • Categories : Adventure, Role-Playing, Strategy, Story-Rich, Turn-Based
    • Editor : Larian Studios
    • Developer : Larian Studios
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
    • Release date : August 3, 2023
    •     PS5 : September 6, 2023
    •     PC : August 3, 2023
    • System Requirements
      • Recommended
      • CPU : Core i7 8700K / Ryzen 5 3600
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce RTX 2080 Super / Radeon RX 5700 XT
      • Storage : 150 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18
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