Buy Borderlands 2 : Mechromancer Pack at the Best Price

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    This downloadable content allows you to get a new character: Gaige the Mechromancer. Following a science contest that went wrong, this student decided to flee his home world Eden-5. She hopes to find the recognition of her talents on Pandora. Able to summon Deathtrap, a devastating robot, Gaige will share its expertise with him. Depending on your specialization skill tree, Deathtrap can become a true support, able to recharge shields and interfere with the enemies, or a real battlefield soldier. The robot skin will change according to these choices.

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    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : Borderlands 2

    Best deals for Mechromancer

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    (*) The best price is currently £0.55. We discovered this product available from 15 vendors supporting Steam on PC. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 22 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 1 comments already shared.

    Comments on Borderlands 2 : Mechromancer Pack

    Jan 25, 2013, 14:33 on
    Je suis très déçu car j'ai acheté Borderlands 2 : Mechromancer Pack (DLC :indiqué steam region/free)sur ce site et arrivé là je me rend compte que c'est une version russe .... Ok! donc dégouté, alors je revérifie la page du site "" concernant cet hallucinante prise de conscience et je vois que ma commande est sensé passé en région free après avoir fait une manip' avec un "vpn-tool"(lueur d'espoir)donc je suie les instruction que le dit site me donne et finalité : ça ne fonctionne pas et je l'ai dans l'os!!! donc s'il vous plais changez vos indication sur dlcomp parce que c'est pas du tout région free et c'est de l'arnaque ! ou alors donnez moi une solution pour me prouver le contraire... mais pour vous future clients de ce site passez votre chemin et faite très attention..
    I'm very disappointed because I bought Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Pack (DLC :indicated steam region/free)on this site and arrived there I realize that it's a Russian version .... Ok! so disgusted, then I check again the page of the site "" concerning this hallucinating awareness and I see that my order is supposed to pass in free region after having made a manipulation with a "vpn-tool" (glimmer of hope) so I sweat the instructions that the said site gives me and finality: it does not work and I have it in the bone!!! so please change your indication on dlcomp because it's not at all free region and it's a scam! or give me a solution to prove the contrary... but for you future customers of this site go your way and be very careful.

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