Borderlands 3

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    Borderlands 3 is coming!! Prepare yourself for familiar characters, brand new ones, a return of most of the Vault Hunters from the Borderlands series, Pyschos, Skags, Sirens, billions of guns and even a saxophone solo from Brick. Oh, and tongue-in-cheek captions galore, as you'd hope.

    In Borderlands 3, players are fighting against the Calypso twins, two fanatics with Siren-like powers that rule a cult called the Children of the Vault. The dark-haired male is called Troy, and his twin’s name is Tyreen. The twins are joined by an army of psychos, mechs, mutants, and monsters. Armored heavies, fire-breathing dinosaurs and returning pests like spiderants and varkids all show up. 

    The long-awaited sequel features several Vault Hunters:

    Moze, The Gunner: When Moze needs backup, for additional firepower she can call in a giant mech that she will pilot, known as the Iron Bear

    Amara, The Siren: As you can probably tell by all those muscles, Amara is a confident, and incredibly capable brawler who's capable of summoning ethereal fists and a self-projection that can attack, and Phaselock.

    FL4K, The Beastmaster: FL4K is all about the hunt, and is the robotic beastmaster that can choose between three different pets, one of which is a Skag.

    Zane, The Operative: Zane is all about specialized battlefield gadgetry, particularly those that allow him to slip into combat, create chaos and sneak back out again. He is wealthy and classy Operative class. Like Zero from Borderlands 2, Zane can throw out a decoy.

    According to a fact sheet from Gearbox, we'll get to "discover new worlds beyond Pandora, each featuring unique environments to explore and enemies to destroy. Playing co-op mode on split-screen has been a staple of the Borderlands series, and it seems that Borderlands 3 will maintain the series tradition, but of course, there is the online co-op option.

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    (*) The best price is currently £2.73. We discovered this product available from 30 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Sony PSN, Xbox Live, Steam, Epic Games, Nintendo eShop & Digital Download on 6 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 5 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 272 digital offers. and 6 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 171 comments already shared.

    Comments on Borderlands 3

    Nov 5, 2019, 14:58 on
    - Bon, écoute, c'est plus possible ! Il nous faut du monde pour combattre les jumeaux Calypso ! On y arrivera jamais seul ! - hummm... J'ai peut être une solution ! - Ha ouais ? - Oui ! Mais c'est pas gagné ! - Hein ? - Je connais un certain "Ritchi", il pourrait nous aider ! Mais pour cela il faudrait... - Quoi ? Il faudrait quoi ? - Il faudrait qu'il soit tiré au sort pour avoir la chance de nous rejoindre dans notre monde ! ;)
    - Well, look, it's not possible anymore! We need people to fight the Calypso twins! We'll never make it alone! - Hmmm... I may have a solution! - Oh yeah? - Yes ! But it's not won ! - Huh ? - I know a certain "Ritchi", he could help us ! But for that we need... - What? What would it take? - It would be necessary that he is drawn at random to have the chance to join us in our world! ;)
    Nov 5, 2019, 11:56 on
    j'adorerai jouer a ce jeux. je suis au chomage et le jeux est trop chère pour moi, mais je l'attender depuis longtemps j'ai adoré jouer au deux premier, j'ai adoré l'ambiance du jeux, les graphisme bien particulié. LE 3 à l'air surper il me donne trop envie, malheureusement trop chère pour le moment, mais je n'ai pas envie de d'attendre pour l'avoir. en plus je vois pleins de pub partout pour le jeux ça me donne encore plus envie de l'acheter.. mais je dois attendre :-(
    I would love to play this game. I'm unemployed and the game is too expensive for me, but I've been waiting for it for a long time. I loved playing the first two games, I loved the atmosphere of the game, the very particular graphics. I love the atmosphere of the game, the graphics, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay, the gameplay.
    Nov 3, 2019, 11:04 on
    J'avais tous les premiers volets dans ma bibliothèque et je n'y avais jamais touché. Je m'y suis mis récemment et j'ai pris une énorme baffe ! Les jeux n'ont pas pris une ride, mais je veux désormais me lancer sur le 3ème opus, vite envie de connaître la suite !
    I had all of the early installments in my library and had never touched them. I recently started playing them and I got a huge kick out of them! The games haven't aged a bit, but now I want to get into the 3rd opus, I can't wait to see what happens next!
    Nov 3, 2019, 01:47 on
    Salutations voyageurs, moi je vais pas faire comme tout le monde, je vais pas implorer, et vanter mes mérites. D'ailleurs j'ai joué uniquement deux heures au premier borderland, ça m'avait pas trop plu. Cependant je souhaite renouer avec la licence. Et j'ai pas envie de dépenser une fortune pour un jeu qui pourrait autant me déplaire que me satisfaire grandement. Je galère à finir les fins de mois, mais gamer dans l'âme j'ai la chance de connaître dl compare, pour avoir les jeux les moins chère!
    Greetings travelers, I'm not going to do like everyone else, I'm not going to beg, and boast my merits. Besides, I only played the first Borderland for two hours, and I didn't really like it. However, I want to get back to the license. And I don't want to spend a fortune for a game that could displease me as much as satisfy me greatly. I'm struggling to make ends meet, but as a gamer at heart I'm lucky enough to know about dl compare, to get the cheapest games!
    Nov 2, 2019, 09:21 on
    Gioco fantastico, non vedo l’ora di dedicarmi ad un’avvincente avventura, interpretare personaggi sui generis, imbracciare armi di ogni genere, godermi la storia come se fosse un film. Sono sicuro che il divertimento, come anche tante emozioni, sono dietro l’angolo, quindi sono pronto ad accoglierle ????
    Fantastic game, I can not wait to engage in an exciting adventure, play sui generis characters, slinging weapons of all kinds, enjoy the story as if it were a movie. I'm sure that the fun, as well as many emotions, are around the corner, so I'm ready for them ????
    Don Carlos
    Oct 30, 2019, 20:16 on
    Je veux rejoindre mon meilleur pote et collectionner toutes ces armes magnifique et poutré tout ces sadiques et autres créatures spatiales !
    I want to join my best buddy and collect all these magnificent weapons and beat up all these sadists and other space creatures!
    Angelo Schmitt
    Oct 30, 2019, 20:10 on
    Bonsoir politesse avant tout ! Apres avoir saigner le 2 jusqu a l os (genre vraiment jusqu a l os) montée les 6 personnage jusqu au niveau 80 et avoir farmer tout les arme utile avec le bon pré-fix et les bonne states je peut pas ne pas jouer a ce jeux !
    Good evening politeness above all! After having bled the 2 to the bone (like really to the bone) mounted the 6 characters until level 80 and having farmed all the useful weapon with the good pre-fix and the good states I can't not play this game!
    Oct 30, 2019, 13:49 on
    Fan della serie dal primo Borderlands, sarebbe bello poter tornare su Pandora a distruggere skag, bullimong e quant'altro
    Fan of the series since the first Borderlands, it would be nice to return to Pandora to destroy skag, bullimong and whatnot
    Oct 17, 2019, 09:03 on
    les terres de la bordure... et quelle bordure ?!!? Borderlands aurait pu s'appeler borderline wastelands, après le qui a été fait a d'autres licences, Borderlands m'a réconcilié avec les jeux video post appo. le premier etait une claque artistique, un humour noir et cynique comme on n'en voit pas assez, une armirerie de dingue ! le deuxième épisode etait aussi bon, la découverte de l'univers en moins mais toujours aussi fun a jouer. autant dire que j'attendais le 3 impatience !
    borderlands... and what border?!!? Borderlands could have been called borderline wastelands, after what was done to other licenses, Borderlands reconciled me with post appo video games. the first one was an artistic slap, a black and cynical humor like we don't see enough of, a crazy armory! the second episode was as good, the discovery of the universe in less but still as fun to play. so much so that I was waiting for the 3rd one impatiently!
    Oct 16, 2019, 17:23 on
    J'ai vraiment envie de jouer à ce jeu, les premiers opus ont vraiment bercé mon enfance. Le tintement des ossements entre eux s'écrasant sur le sol, le soupir d'une âme qui quittent un corps, les hurlements d'un psycho qui s'éteint dans les flammes d'un sniper... Aaaah~ Un vrai apaisement pour mon esprit troublé par notre société violente et sanguinaire... J'ai du mal à dormir ces temps-ci, j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle berçeuse, fatale à quiconque ne sait la jouer~
    I really want to play this game, the first opuses really rocked my childhood. The tinkling of bones between them crashing on the ground, the sigh of a soul leaving a body, the screams of a psycho dying in the flames of a sniper... Aaaah~ A real soother for my mind troubled by our violent and bloody society... I'm having trouble sleeping lately, I need a new rocking chair, fatal to anyone who can't play it~
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Borderlands 3
    • Categories : Action, Adventure, First-Person Shooter, Role-Playing
    • Editor : 2K
    • Developer : Gearbox Software
    • Mode(s) : Solo
    • Release date : March 13, 2020
    • System Requirements
      • Recommended
      • CPU : i7-4770 / Ryzen 5 2600
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 590
      • Storage : 75 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18 ESRB M
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