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Buy Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011) at the Best Price

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    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is the next game of the Modern Warfare series, following the story of the franchise, you will be sent to an alternate reality where the United States are fighting against the Russians in all parts of the World including: France, England, Germany and the USA. The Solo campaign is extremely well done, with new spectacular scenes.
    The solo game mode and story is heavily scripted so that you live an exciting campaign with breath-stopping moments. The multiplayer part of the game has been extremely successful on PC and Consoles, MW3 will continue to shine with new elements for the fans of the genre like the killstreaks system. One of the new element is the Strike packages added for the player to choose between Assault, Support, and Specialist. Assault is for a rush type of game play with control of Airstrike or calling Helicopters. Support is more oriented to the defensive players with access to drones or defensive turrets. The specialist is for players acting on their own, with abilities like running faster, faster reload time, better accuracy... If you never played a Call of Duty game, or if you are a fan of the series, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is a must have for every gamers.

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    Best deals for CoD Modern Warfare 3

    Use your CD key on Steam.

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    Download your game on WiiU with the Nintendo eShop

    Use your Xbox 360 game code on the Xbox Live EU.


    (*) The best price is currently £3.09. We discovered this product available from 8 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Steam, Nintendo eShop & Sony PSN on 5 platforms - PC, PS3, WiiU, Xbox360 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 22 digital offers. and 3 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 14 comments already shared.

    Comments on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2011)

    Jan 19, 2021, 21:33 on
    Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si ce jeu peu être compatible sur Xbox One
    Hello, I would like to know if this game can be compatible with Xbox One
    Apr 16, 2017, 21:50 on
    sa me fais plaisir de pouvoir rejouer a des jeux culte de cod sur pc pour un prix très bas
    I'm happy to be able to play cult cod games on pc for a very low price
    Dec 20, 2012, 23:47 on
    Bonjour , le region peut etre telecharger en france ? et jouer sur des serveur francais securisé ?
    Hello, can the region be downloaded in France ? and play on french secured server ?
    Jan 15, 2012, 13:20 on
    Pour MW3 en version russe, le mode multijoueur est-il sur les serveurs russes ? Ou peut-on jouer avec nos amis steam sans difficulté ?
    For MW3 in Russian version, is the multiplayer mode on Russian servers? Or can we play with our steam friends without difficulty?
    Dec 26, 2011, 16:19 on
    Salutations, Il n'y a aucune restriction de language en ce moment sur les versions russes de Modern Warfare 3. Il n'y a même pas de fichier à installer, le jeu sera disponible en Français directement. On ne sais pas si cela va durer mais en tout cas cela permet d'avoir le jeu solo et multi en Français. :) Au pire des cas si Steam bloque la langue Française, ce sera quand même possible de jouer en Français en suivant le guide d'installation du Pack de Langue Elitekeys:
    Greetings, There are no language restrictions on the Russian versions of Modern Warfare 3 at the moment. There is not even a file to install, the game will be available in French directly. We don't know if it will last but in any case it allows to have the single and multiplayer game in French. :) In the worst case, if Steam blocks the French language, it will still be possible to play in French by following the Elitekeys Language Pack installation guide:
    Dec 25, 2011, 01:43 on
    C'est bon solo et multi dispo en full fr
    It's good solo and multi available in full fr
    Dec 18, 2011, 11:05 on
    <blockquote><a href="#comment624">denpxc wrote:</a> Salut Xray, Précision pour les versions Russes: Jeu Solo en Anglais Multijoueur Anglais ou Français. Le jeu solo d'une version russe ne sera jamais disponible en Français donc. :x</blockquote> slt pour le solo pas de probleme pour le multi pas de francais malgres mes divers essais desinstaler et reinstaler verification de fichier par steam par contre j ai bien le choix dans les proprietes merci
    <blockquote><a href="#comment624">denpxc wrote:</a> Hi Xray, Clarification for the Russian versions: Single player game in English Multiplayer English or French. The single player game of a Russian version will never be available in French so. :x</blockquote> slt for the solo no problem for the multi no french despite my various attempts uninstall and reinstall file verification by steam but I have the choice in the properties thank you
    Dec 17, 2011, 14:36 on
    Salut Xray, Précision pour les versions Russes: Jeu Solo en Anglais Multijoueur Anglais ou Français. Le jeu solo d'une version russe ne sera jamais disponible en Français donc. :x
    Hi Xray, Clarification for the Russian versions: Single player game in English Multiplayer English or French. The single player game of a Russian version will never be available in French so. :x
    Dec 13, 2011, 18:04 on
    J'ai la version russes en gros je test en anglais sa marche mais il faut que je vérifie le cachemais en francais j'ai beau verifier le cache 5 fois et il se passe rien, et j'ai nat strict alors que sur mw 2 j'avais ouvert c'est normale?
    I have the Russian version I've got a Russian version, I'm testing in English but I have to check the cache but in French I have to check the cache 5 times and nothing happens, and I have nat strict while on mw 2 I had opened it is normal?
    Dec 13, 2011, 17:57 on
    <blockquote>Marcus wrote: <a href="#comment609">#</a> SAlut mais j'ai un probleme, j'ai could load localization.txt donc impossible de lancer le jeux</blockquote> Salutations Marcus, Tu as MW3 Russe ou EU? <blockquote> It seems that the language settings are messed up. I switched the game language for a moment to anything other than the actual setting and switched back to english right after that. and now it works... Or you can check the file integrity: right click on the game -> properties -> local files tab -> verify integrity of game cache </blockquote> D'après ce message, tu peux tenter une vérification des fichiers du jeu ou encore de changer la langue du jeu
    <blockquote>Marcus wrote: <a href="#comment609">#</a> Hi but I have a problem, I could load localization.txt so I can't launch the game </blockquote> Greetings Marcus, Do you have MW3 Russian or EU? <blockquote> It seems that the language settings are messed up. I switched the game language for a moment to anything other than the actual setting and switched back to english right after that. and now it works... Or you can check the file integrity: right click on the game -&gt; properties -&gt; local files tab -&gt; verify integrity of game cache </blockquote> According to this message, you can try to check the game files or change the game language
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : CoD MW3
    • Categories : First-Person Shooter
    • Editor : Activision
    • Developer : Infinity Ward
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
    • Release date : November 8, 2011
    • System Requirements
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18
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