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Buy Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr Wu

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    Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr Wu is a game set in the fictional Las Cinco Muertes islands that allows gamers to manage their own park filled with prehistoric dinosaurs brought to life through genetic manipulation. The story follows the intrepid Dr. Henry Wu, who remains devoted to his research on creating hybrid dinosaurs and introducing them into the island’s environment. Players will be able to develop two new locations - Isla Muerta and Isla Tacano - while unlocking powerful new tools for the genetic manipulation of these ancient creatures.

    Through Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr Wu, players are able to create their own version of Jurassic Park as they make decisions that affect how successful their park becomes – from managing available resources, entertaining guests with displays, creating attractions, and developing compelling campaigns featuring genetically-modified hybrids across both land and sea. Keeping track of an ever-evolving ecosystem alongside growing populations of herbivores and carnivores requires strategy if you want your creations to thrive within it.

    In addition, players must also take time maintaining The Hammond Foundation’s reputation by engaging directly or indirectly in missions assigned by Dr. Wu himself; setting up dig sites in order to uncover fossils for cloning purposes as well as mapping wildlife before finally releasing them into the islands’ densely-packed jungles. Jurassic World Evolution: Secrets of Dr Wu provides a captivating and immersive experience - one that will challenge gamers to think creatively in order to design their own version of Jurassic Park.

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    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : Jurassic World Evolution

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