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Buy Tekken 8 at the Best Price

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    One of the most popular fighting video game series is back in a new installment. Tekken 8 makes use of all the power of the Unreal Engine 5 to create a unique experience with high-definition graphics and state-of-the-art visuals and animations. In this new installment in the long-running series, iconic fighters return to the fighting arena to compete against each other in fast-paced combats. Timing your moves perfectly is the key to performing incredible combos and delivering devastating blows to your foes. Only the best players will achieve glory.

    Tekken 8 continues the story in the series with a new chapter in the sage of the rivalry between the Mishima and Kazama bloodlines. The final show between Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama will bring father and son into the spotlight in an epic clash. The level of immersion of the game is out of the charts thanks to the impressive graphics, making Tekken 8 is a game that will stay engraved in the minds of the fans for a long time.

    Best deals for Tekken 8

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    •  Playable Character Year 1 Pass (4 additional playable characters, Avatar Skin: Kinjin)
    • Character Costume: Gold Suit Pack -1 costume per each playable character (32 total)
    • Avatar Costume: Paul Phoenix Set
    • Playable Character Year 1 Pass (4 additional playable characters, Avatar Skin: Kinjin)
    • Character Costume: Gold Suit Pack -1 costume per each playable character (32 total)
    • Avatar Costume: Classic TEKKEN T-Shirt Set (32 designs)
    • Avatar Skins: Kazuya Mishima, Jin Kazama, and Jun Kazama
    • Avatar Costume: Paul Phoenix Set

    (*) The best price is currently £17.61. We discovered this product available from 27 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Steam, Xbox Live, Sony PSN, Digital Download & Windows on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 6 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 177 digital offers. and 17 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 76 comments already shared.

    Comments on Tekken 8

    Jan 4, 2024, 18:08 on dlcompare.fr
    La démo était incroyable,de nouvelle mécanique vraiment rafraichissante j'ai vraiment hate que le jeu sorte. je vous le conseille vivement !
    The demo was incredible, the new mechanics really refreshing and I can't wait for the game to be released. I highly recommend it!
    Jan 4, 2024, 01:51 on dlcompare.fr
    encore une pépite des jeux de baston en combo Tekken 8 une tuerie qui sait se renouvelé pour ne pas rester a la traine
    Another nugget of fighting games in Tekken 8 combo, a slaughterhouse that knows how to renew itself so as not to lag behind.
    Jan 4, 2024, 01:12 on dlcompare.fr
    vraiment très impressionnant moi qui joue a tekken depuis le 2 c'est vraiment une évolution incroyable
    I've been playing tekken since 2 and it's really an incredible evolution.
    Full ON
    Jan 3, 2024, 15:37 on dlcompare.fr
    surement le jeu que j'ai le plus joué étant petit, incroyable de voir l'évolution des graphimes et surtout le retour des personnages emblématique de la saga
    probably the game I played the most as a child, incredible to see the evolution of the graphics and especially the return of the saga's emblematic characters.
    Jan 2, 2024, 23:42 on dlcompare.fr
    Le jeu fourni un mode solo bien rempli comme les anciens Tekken contrairement au 7Le mode Ghost est trèsintéressent pour les débutant pour s'adapter au jeu ainsi devenir la meilleur version d'eux même. Le modeentrainement est bien plus fourni que Tekken 7, il y a de quoi passer plus de temps dans le mode training.
    The game features a packed single-player mode, just like the old Tekken, unlike Tekken 7. Ghost mode is a great way for beginners to adapt to the game and become the best version of themselves. The training mode is much more extensive than Tekken 7, so there's plenty of time to spend in it.
    Jan 2, 2024, 14:31 on dlcompare.it
    Tekken richiede molto tempo, anche per imparare cose basiche come il movimento a livelli un po' più avanzati del premere tasti a caso, ma è appagante e questo capitolo sembra davvero promettere bene da tutti i punti di vista!
    Tekken takes a lot of time, even to learn basic things like movement at somewhat more advanced levels than just random button-pushing, but it is rewarding and this chapter really looks promising in all respects!
    Jan 2, 2024, 06:00 on dlcompare.fr
    Beau jeu, bon gameplay, bonne licence et y'a même un ajout "innovant" dont j'ai oublié le nom qui est inédit à Tekken !
    Nice game, good gameplay, good license and there's even an "innovative" addition whose name I've forgotten that's new to Tekken!
    Jan 1, 2024, 22:59 on dlcompare.it
    Bellissimo gioco picchiaduro, forse per il prezzo che ha conviene aspettare che scenda un po', ma comunque vale la pena comprarlo se si è fan di questa tipologia di gioco
    Beautiful fighting game, maybe for the price it is worth waiting for it to come down a bit, but still worth buying if you are a fan of this type of game
    Jan 1, 2024, 21:59 on dlcompare.es
    Tekken 8 parece muy impresionante. Está bien optimizado, introduce el siguiente capítulo de la trama y las escenas de lucha son excepcionalmente fluidas y agradables.
    Tekken 8 looks very impressive. It's well optimized, introduces the next chapter of the plot and the fight scenes are exceptionally fluid and enjoyable.
    Jan 1, 2024, 21:57 on dlcompare.es
    Me gusta el hecho de que mantienen el mismo estilo artístico, pero aún así hacen que se vea mejor en cada lanzamiento y, de alguna manera, mantienen la misma sensación original del original.
    I like the fact that they keep the same art style, but still make it look better with each release and somehow keep the same original feel of the original.
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    • Technical information

    • Categories : Action, Fighting & Martial Arts, Arcade
    • Editor : BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
    • Developer : BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
    • Release date : January 25, 2024
    • System Requirements
      • Recommended
      • CPU : Core i7-7700K / Ryzen 5 2600
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce RTX 2070 / Radeon RX 5700 XT
      • Storage : 100 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 16
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