Buy Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail at the Best Price

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    Dawntrail is an expansion for the popular MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV Online. It offers a new chapter in the story of the Warrior of Light and introduces new features such as the brand new Viper (Melee DPS) and Pictomancer (Magical Ranged DPS) jobs, a level cap increase to 100, new locations, dungeons, raids, and ultimate raids. Additionally, Dawntrail brings graphical updates and improvements to various game elements. 

    The expansion's story revolves around a journey across the Indigo Deep in search of a City of Gold, with the Warrior of Light and companions facing new challenges and divisions among the Scions. 

    Dawntrail is a must-have for all those willing to immerse in the epic experience that Final Fantasy XIV Online offers. With a vast world to explore, plenty of jobs to choose from, and myriads of quests to discover and enemies to face. The game offers one of the best MMORPG experiences in the genre standing above others at the top of the charts.

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    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : Final Fantasy XIV

    Best deals for Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail

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    (*) The best price is currently £19.38. We discovered this product available from 10 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Digital Download, Windows & Steam on PC. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 20 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 33 comments already shared.

    Comments on Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail

    Jul 1, 2024, 08:39 on
    Square Enix no quiere que salgas de tu casa, ni que desinstales el ff xiv y te saca una quinta expansión para que sigas enganchado jaja
    Square Enix doesn't want you to leave your house, or uninstall ff xiv and release a fifth expansion to keep you hooked haha.
    Jun 30, 2024, 21:22 on
    Dawntrail ofrece un nuevo capítulo en la historia del Guerrero de la Luz e introduce nuevos trabajos: Víbora y Pictomante. También incluye un aumento del límite de nivel a 100, nuevas ubicaciones, mazmorras, incursiones e incursiones definitivas.
    Dawntrail offers a new chapter in the story of the Warrior of Light and introduces new jobs: Viper and Pictomante. It also includes an increase in the level cap to 100, new locations, dungeons, raids and ultimate raids.
    Jun 30, 2024, 08:23 on
    Dawntrail introduce una nueva historia que continúa tras los eventos de Endwalker. Se trata de un nuevo comienzo para los Vástagos del Séptimo Amanecer. Además, es la oportunidad para introducir 2 clases nuevas
    Dawntrail introduces a new story that continues after the events of Endwalker. It is a new beginning for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. In addition, it is the opportunity to introduce 2 new classes
    Jun 28, 2024, 01:29 on
    Je trouve que c'est abusé de faire payer encore et encore et de devoir en plus s'abonner pour pouvoir jouer... perso j'ai pas les moyens donc pas d'avis sur le jeu :/ même si il me fait grave envie.
    I think it's too much to charge again and again, and to have to subscribe in order to play... personally, I can't afford it, so I have no opinion on the game :/ even though I really want to play it.
    Jun 27, 2024, 11:19 on
    Je trouve que c'est abusé de faire payer encore et encore et de devoir en plus s'abonner pour pouvoir jouer... perso j'ai pas les moyens donc pas d'avis sur le jeu :/ même si il me fait grave envie.
    I think it's too much to charge again and again, and to have to subscribe in order to play... personally, I can't afford it, so I have no opinion on the game :/ even though I really want to play it.
    6650b9aeb29f2@austin miguel rodriguez santos
    Jun 27, 2024, 02:34 on
    realmente ame el modelo de los hyurs, por lo menos los hombres, ya que no tengo personaje femenino, el de los miqos esta igual muy bien, y el de aura macho se ve muy bien sus escamas, antes se veian medio raras y ahora se ve mas imponente, si note algunas skills spells nuevas en el benchmark pero habra que esperar e igual la skill del mch la noto diferente, parece la misma animacion aunque dudo que nos den la misma animacion para una nueva skill por segunda vez xD
    I really loved the model of the hyurs, at least the men, since I don't have a female character, the miqos one is also very good, and the male aura's scales look very good, before they looked a bit weird and now they look more impressive, I did notice some new skills spells in the benchmark but we will have to wait and the mch skill looks different, it looks like the same animation although I doubt they will give us the same animation for a new skill for the second time xD
    Jun 26, 2024, 21:35 on
    Dawntrail semble vraiment prometteur pour FFXIV ! Entre les nouvelles zones exotiques à explorer, des quêtes intrigantes et de nouveaux jobs, ça va clairement apporter du neuf au jeu. Les améliorations graphiques et les ajouts de gameplay sont aussi hyper cool. Si vous êtes déjà fans ou si vous cherchez une raison de vous y mettre, cette extension pourrait bien être l'occasion parfaite. Hâte de voir ce que ça va donner !
    Dawntrail looks very promising for FFXIV! Between the new exotic zones to explore, intriguing quests and new jobs, it's clearly going to bring something new to the game. The graphical improvements and gameplay additions are pretty cool too. If you're already a fan, or if you're looking for a reason to get into the game, this expansion might just be the perfect opportunity. Can't wait to see what happens!
    Jun 26, 2024, 18:39 on
    Malheureusement ce sera sans moi, le dlc précédent m'a fait abandonner le jeu, je me sens pas assez motivé pour y retourner. Peut être un jour cela dit. Les trailers de celui-ci ne m'ont pas vendu du rêve non plus.
    Unfortunately, I won't be playing it again, as the previous dlc made me abandon the game and I don't feel motivated enough to go back. Maybe one day, though. The trailers for this one didn't sell me on it either.
    Jun 26, 2024, 18:27 on
    Los jugadores tendrán 2 nuevos trabajos/clases, nuevas habilidades para los trabajos existentes, mayor límite de nivel, muchas mazmorras e incursiones nuevas y una nueva raza jugable.
    Players will have 2 new jobs/classes, new skills for existing jobs, higher level cap, many new dungeons and raids, and a new playable race.
    Jun 26, 2024, 17:17 on
    Dawntrail sort dans 2 jours et je dois dire que pour le moment mon avis est mitigé, je m'attendais plus à un vrai nouveau départ mais on sent quel les dev ont du mal à se détacher d'Endwaker qui n'a que trop duré.
    Dawntrail comes out in 2 days, and I have to say that my opinion is mixed at the moment. I was expecting a real new departure, but it's clear that the devs are finding it hard to move on from Endwaker, which has lasted far too long.
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